At the Rotary Power Sweep - SnapLok Chimney Sweep Training Centre, we are very unique in that there are very few actual chimney sweep training centres within the UK.
Most training centres in the UK are for stove installers and therefore are not designed to be practically swept, have nice short straight flues and are new stoves which are easy to disassemble!
At the training centre we have a whole mixture of different types of installation that you will encounter, this includes:
- Traditional 9" x 9" Open Chimney
- Jetmaster with Soot Door on a Clay Liner
- Multifuel Stove set into a Large Inglenook Opening
- Rayburn Solid Fuel Cooker
- Multifuel Stove on Double Bend Twinwall - 'Live'
- Scandinavian Stove on twinwall with External Soot Trap - 'Live'
- Multifuel Stove on a Flexi Liner - 'Live'
- Multifuel Stove on a Multi Bend Flue System
- Stove Installation with multiple faults, can you spot the 18 faults that are all worthy of a 'Warning Notice'!
- The 'Aga Little Wenlock Challenge' - How fast can you remove and replace the baffle plate on this stove!!